- wexpect1
wage expectations after finishing studies: 0=less than 3500 CHF gross per month; 1=3500-4000 CHF; 2=4000-4500 CHF;...; 15=10500-11000 CHF; 16=more than 11000 CHF
- wexpect2
wage expectations 3 years after studying: 0=less than 3500 CHF gross per month; 1=3500-4000 CHF; 2=4000-4500 CHF;...; 15=10500-11000 CHF; 16=more than 11000 CHF
- wexpect1othersex
expected wage of other sex after finishing studies in percent of own expected wage
- wexpect2othersex
expected wage of other sex 3 years after studying in percent of own expected wage
- male
1=male; 0=female
- business
1=BA in business
- econ
1=BA in economics
- communi
1=BA in communication
- businform
1=BA in business informatics
- plansfull
1=plans working fulltime after studies
- planseduc
1=plans obtaining further education (e.g. MA) after studies
- sectorcons
1=planned sector: construction
- sectortradesales
1=planned sector: trade and sales
- sectortransware
1=planned sector: transport and warehousing
- sectorhosprest
1=planned sector: hospitality and restaurant
- sectorinfocom
1=planned sector: information and communication
- sectorfininsur
1=planned sector: finance and insurance
- sectorconsult
1=planned sector: consulting
- sectoreduscience
1=planned sector: education and science
- sectorhealthsocial
1=planned sector: health and social services
- typegenstratman
1=planned job type: general or strategic management
- typemarketing
1=planned job type: marketing
- typecontrol
1=planned job type: controlling
- typefinance
1=planned job type: finance
- typesales
1=planned job type: sales
- typetechengin
1=planned job type: technical/engineering
- typehumanres
1=planned job type: human resources
- posmanager
1=planned position: manager
- age
age in years
- swiss
1=Swiss nationality
- hassiblings
1=has one or more siblings
- motherhighedu
1=mother has higher education
- fatherhighedu
1=father has higher education
- motherworkedfull
1=mother worked fulltime at respondent's age 4-6
- motherworkedpart
1=mother worked parttime at respondent's age 4-6
- matwellbeing
self-assessed material wellbeing compared to average Swiss: 1=much worse; 2=worse; 3=as average Swiss; 4=better; 5=much better
- homeowner
1=home ownership
- treatmentinformation
1=if information on median wages in Switzerland was provided (randomized treatment)
- treatmentorder
1=if order of questions on professional plans and personal information in survey has been reversed (randomized treatment), meaning that personal questions are asked first and professional ones later