Data from Modeling Proportion of Patient Time in Emergency Ward Stages
A data frame with 1170 rows and 11 variables:
case identification
day of the week ( 0 = Sunday)
0 = walk-in; 1 = ambulance-arrival
triage level
1 = triage level 1
1 = triage level 2
1 = triage level 3
1 = triage level 4
1 = triage level 5
1 = laboratory test(s) conducted
1 = x-ray conducted
1 = other intervention
length of stay in minutes
length of stay in hours
proportion of time in registration stage
proportion of time in triage stage
proportion of time in nursing care stage
proportion of time in consultation with physician(s)
proportion of time in decisional stage
preg + ptriage
pphysician + pdecis
pnurse/(pnurse + pregptriage)
pphysdecis /(pphysdecis + pregptriage)