- cellout
output of function cellMCD
- type
type of diagnostic plot. Should be one of "index"
, "Zres/X"
, "Zres/pred"
, "X/pred"
, or "bivariate"
- whichvar
number or name of the variable to be plotted. Not applicable when type = "bivariate"
- horizvar
number or name of the variable to be plotted on the horizontal axis. Only when type = "bivariate"
- vertivar
number or name of the variable to be plotted on the vertical axis. Only when type = "bivariate"
- hband
whether to draw a horizontal tolerance band. TRUE
yields TRUE
when type
is "index"
, "Zres/X"
, or "Zres/pred"
- vband
whether to draw a vertical tolerance band. TRUE
yields TRUE
when type
is "Zres/X"
or "Zres/pred"
- drawellipse
whether to draw a \(99\)% tolerance ellipse. Only for type = "bivariate"
- opacity
opacity of the plotted points: 1 is fully opaque, less is more transparent.
- identify
, identify cases by mouseclick, then Esc
- ids
vector of case numbers to be emphasized (colored red) in the plot. If NULL
or of length zero, none are emphasized.
- labelpoints
, labels the points in ids by their row name in X
- vlines
for the points in ids
, draw dashed vertical lines from their standardized residual to 0 when type
is "index"
, "Zres/X"
, or "Zres/pred"
. Draws dashed vertical lines to the diagonal when type = "X/pred"
. Can be TRUE
, default is FALSE
- clines
only for type == "bivariate". If TRUE, draws
a red connecting line from each point in ids to
its imputed point, shown in blue.
- main
main title of the plot. If NULL
, it is constructed automatically from the arguments.
- xlab
overriding label for x-axis, unless NULL
- ylab
overriding label for y-axis, unless NULL
- xlim
overriding limits of horizontal axis.
- ylim
overriding limits of vertical axis.
- cex
size of plotted points.
- cex.main
size of the main title.
- cex.lab
size of the axis labels.
- cex.txt
size of the point labels.
- line
distance of axis labels to their axis.