pushd: Performs equivalent of bash command with same name
pushd is based on the cygwinbash manpages' description of these commands.
pushd(path, dn=FALSE,rot=0)
A status value, which is always 0 for success. A future upgrade may implement a trycatch for conditions such as an inaccessible directory, but for now error messages will have to suffice.
The directory to move into.
Equivalent of the dir argument in bash . When TRUE, adds the current directory to the stack.
Equivalent of the n argument in bash. Rotates the existing stack by the value of rot ; can be positive or negative. Note that there may be some inconsistency in how this is handled in different implementations of bash .
Recommend reading man bash for full details of the operations. This implementation should do nothing more than change the working directory (and store directory history in a file in the function's environment (not console environment) .dirhist ).