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chillR (version 0.72.7)

make_climate_scenario_from_files: Make climate scenario from multiple saved csv files


Many climate scenarios we may want to plot consist of data stored across many files. These files typically contain certain character strings that mark, e.g. the RCP scenario or the point in time. This function facilitates accessing such files by allowing the specification of search string (criteria_list), according to which files are selected. They are then converted into climate_scenario files that can become part of a list passed to plot_climate_scenarios for plotting.


  caption = NULL,
  time_series = FALSE,
  labels = NULL,
  historic_data = NULL


a climate scenario object, which can be part of a list supplied to plot_climate_scenarios.



character string specifying the folder holding the files, from which the scenario is to be built.


list of character vectors that specify parts of the file names that are common to all files of a particular scenario. These can be single strings or vectors of string. In the latter case, occurrence of either of the elements in a file name is sufficient. The selection criteria are applied iteratively, i.e. first all files containing the first element of 'criteria_list' are selected, then those containing the second element, and so forth.


vector of up to three character strings indicating the caption to be displayed in the respective plot panel; the elements of this vector are displayed on different lines. If caption_above==TRUE in plot_climate_scenario, only the first element is displayed.


Boolean, indicating if the scenario contains a time series.


numeric vector containing labels for the time scenarios - only used for time series.


a data.frame containing at least two columns named the same as 'metric' and 'year_name'.


Eike Luedeling


Run this code

# historic_scenario<-make_climate_scenario(metric_folder=chillout_folder,
#                                          criteria_list=list(cult,c(1975,2000,2015)),
#                                          caption=c("Historic","data"),
#                                         time_series=TRUE,
#                                         labels=c(1975,2000,2015),
#                                         historic_data=historic_data)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab