# Run a simple plot
plot_phenology_trends(pheno_data = chillR::KA_bloom,
weather_data = chillR::KA_weather,
chilling_phase = c(306, 350),
forcing_phase = c(355, 60))
# Customize the aspects of the plot and save it as 'plot'
plot <- plot_phenology_trends(pheno_data = chillR::KA_bloom,
weather_data = chillR::KA_weather,
chilling_phase = c(306, 350),
forcing_phase = c(355, 60),
x_axis_name = "Temperatura en el periodo de frio (Celsius)",
y_axis_name = "Temperatura en el periodo de forzado (Celsius)",
legend_name = "Fecha de floracion\n(dia juliano)",
contour_line_color = "white",
point_color = "blue4",
point_shape = 4,
legend_colors = NULL,
base_size = 14,
legend.position = "bottom",
axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(family = "serif"))
# Modify the plot object with the syntax from ggplot2.
# Be aware that the following code overrides the modifications
# done by the argument '...' in the main function
plot + ggplot2::theme_classic(base_size = 14)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab