Empirical_hourly_temperatures: Empirical daily temperature prediction
This function generates hourly temperatures from daily minimum and maximum
temperatures, based on an empirical relationship of these two daily
temperature extremes with the hourly temperature. Usually, this relationship
will have been determined with the Empirical_daily_temperature_curve
data.frame containing all columns of the Tdaily dataset, but also the
columns Hour and Temp, for the hour of the day and the predicted temperature,
data.frame containing daily minimum and maximum temperatures.
Must contain columns Year (year of observation), Month (month of observation),
Day (day of observation), Tmin (Minimum daily temperature) and Tmax
(Maximum daily temperature).
data.frame containing coefficients for the hourly temperature
prediction, e.g. generated with the function
Needs to contain the following columns: Month (month for which coefficient
applies), Hour (hour for which coefficient applies) and Prediction_coefficient
(the coefficient used for empirical temperature prediction). Coefficients
indicate, by what fraction of the daily temperature range the temperature during
the specified hour is above the daily minimum temperature.