This function bootstraps the residuals of a `phenologyFit`. It internally calls `phenologyFitter` on each bootstrap replicate.
boot.R = 99,
control = list(smooth = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, maxit = 1000, nb.stop.improvement =
seed = 1766588
Invisibly returns a list with elements `boot.R`, `object`, `seed`, `residuals`, `lower`, `upper`, and `res`. The latter list `res` has `boot.R` elements, which are lists again. Each of these lists contains named elements `par`, `value`, `bloomJDays`, and `pbloomJDays`. `par` are the best fit parameters on the particular bootstrap replicate, `value` the corresponding RSS, `bloomJDays` the re-sampled data and `pbloomJDays` the predicted bloom JDays for this sample.
class `phenologyFit`, the object to bootstrap
integer. The number of bootstrap replicates
control parameters to `GenSA`, see `GenSA::GenSA`
Vector with length of ‘par.guess’. Lower bounds for components.
Vector with length of ‘par.guess’. Upper bounds for components. If missing, `upper` in `object` is used.
integer seed for the random number generator used by `GenSA`. If missing, `lower` in `object` is used.
Carsten Urbach <>
bootstrap an object of S3 class `phenologyFit`