objectsDraws diagnostic plots of the amplification efficiency.
# S4 method for eff
plot(x, xlab = "log10(Concentration)",
ylab = "Cq", main = "Efficiency Plot",
trend = TRUE, res.fit = "topright", CI = FALSE,
level = 0.95, type = "p", pch = 19,
er.length = 0.05, col = "black")
a title for the x axis.
a title for the y axis.
an overall title for the plot.
Setting the option trend = TRUE
shows the linear
regression line in the plot.
If res.fit
sets where the results (goodness of fit, amplification
efficiency, correlation ) of the linear regression line in the plot should be plotted.
Accepts the same location keywords as legend
Setting the option CI = TRUE
shows the confidence
interval lines in the plot.
Tolerance/confidence level.
is a graphical parameter setting the plot use lines, points
or both (see plot
is a graphical parameter used to define the symbol used in the plot.
is a graphical parameter used to define the
length of the error bar used in the plot.
is a graphical parameter used to define the color of the points
on the plot.
No return value, called for side effects.
The plot being a result of this function is built from three subplots.
Roediger S, Boehm A, Schimke I. Surface Melting Curve Analysis with R. The R Journal 2013;5:37--53.