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choroplethrZip (version 1.5.0)

zip_choropleth_acs: Create a US ZIP choropleth from ACS data


Creates a US ZIP choropleth using the US Census' American Community Survey (ACS) data. Requires the acs package to be installed, and a Census API Key to be set with the acs's api.key.install function. Census API keys can be obtained at http://www.census.gov/developers/tos/key_request.html.


zip_choropleth_acs(tableId, endyear = 2011, span = 5, num_colors = 7,
  state_zoom = NULL, county_zoom = NULL, msa_zoom = NULL,
  zip_zoom = NULL)


The id of an ACS table
The end year of the survey to use. See acs.fetch (?acs.fetch) and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
The span of time to use. See acs.fetch and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details. on the same longitude and latitude map to scale. This variable is only checked when the "states" variable is equal to all 50 states.
The number of colors on the map. A value of 1 will use a continuous scale. A value in [2, 9] will use that many colors.
An optional vector of State names to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly match the names of the state names as they appear in the "state.name" column of ?zip.regions.
An optional vector of county FIPS codes to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly match the names of zips as they appear in the "county.fips.numeric" column of ?zip.regions.
An optional vector of MSA (Metroplitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area) names to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly match the names of the state names as they appear in the "cbsa.title" column of ?zip.regions.
An optional vector of zip codes to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly match the names of zips as they appear in the "region" column of ?zip.regions.


A choropleth.


Uses the acs package created by Ezra Haber Glenn.

See Also

api.key.install in the acs package which sets an Census API key for the acs library

http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/help/jsf/pages/metadata.xhtml?lang=en&type=survey&id=survey.en.ACS_ACS which contains a list of all ACS surveys.


Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # Median income of all ZCTAs in New York State
# zip_choropleth_acs("B19301", state_zoom="new york")
# # zoom in on all ZCTAs in the 5 counties (boroughs) of New York City
# nyc_fips = c(36005, 36047, 36061, 36081, 36085)
# zip_choropleth_acs("B19301", county_zoom=nyc_fips)
# # compare Manhattan's Lower East Side and Upper East Side
# manhattan_les = c("10002", "10003", "10009")
# manhattan_ues = c("10021", "10028", "10044", "10128")
# zip_choropleth_acs("B19301", num_colors=1, zip_zoom=c(manhattan_les, manhattan_ues))
# # show all ZCTAs in the New York Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
# zip_choropleth_acs("B19301", msa_zoom="New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA")
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab