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ciTools (version 0.1.0)

add_ci: Add Confidence Intervals for Fitted Values to Data Frames


This is a generic function to append confidence intervals for predictions of a model fit to a data frame. A confidence interval is generated for the fitted value of each observation in tb. These confidence intervals are then appended to tb and returned to the user as a tibble. The fit may be a linear, log-linear, linear mixed, or generalized linear model.


add_ci(tb, fit, alpha = 0.05, names = NULL, yhatName = "pred", ...)



A tibble or data frame of new data. tb can be the original data or new data.


An object of class lm, glm, or lmerMod. Predictions are made with this object.


A real number between 0 and 1. Controls the confidence level of the interval estimates.


NULL or character vector of length two. If NULL, confidence bounds automatically will be named by add_ci, otherwise, the lower confidence bound will be named ciNames[1] and the upper confidence bound will be named ciNames[2].


A string. Name of the vector of the predictions made for each observation in tb


Additional arguments.


A tibble, tb, with predicted values, upper and lower confidence bounds attached.


For more specific information about the arguments that are applicable in each method, consult:

  • add_ci.lm for linear regression confidence intervals

  • add_ci.glm for generalized linear regression confidence intervals

  • add_ci.lmerMod for linear mixed models confidence intervals

Note that add_ci calculates confidence intervals for fitted values, not model coefficients.

See Also

add_pi for prediction intervals, add_probs for response level probabilities, and add_quantile for quantiles of the conditional response distribution.


Run this code
# Fit a linear model
fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
# Make a confidence interval for each observation in cars, and
# append to the data frame
add_ci(cars, fit)

# Make new data
new_data <- cars[sample(NROW(cars), 10), ]
add_ci(new_data, fit)

# Fit a Poisson model
fit2 <- glm(dist ~ speed, family = "poisson", data = cars)
# Append CIs
add_ci(cars, fit2)

# Fit a linear mixed model using lme4
fit3 <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), data = lme4::sleepstudy)
# Append CIs
# Generally, you should use more than 100 bootstrap replicates
add_ci(lme4::sleepstudy, fit3, nSims = 100)

# Fit a logistic model
fit4 <- glm(I(dist > 20) ~ speed, family = "binomial", data = cars)
# Append CIs
add_ci(cbind(cars, I(cars$dist > 20)), fit4)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab