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circular (version 0.5-1)

quantile.circular: Sample Circular Quantiles


The function quantile.circular produces sample circular quantiles corresponding to the given probabilities for a circular data set.


# S3 method for circular
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm=FALSE, names = TRUE, type = 7, ...)



numeric circular vector whose sample quantiles are wanted. NA and NaN values are not allowed in numeric vectors unless na.rm is TRUE.


numeric vector of probabilities with values in \([0,1]\). (Values up to 2e-14 outside that range are accepted and moved to the nearby endpoint.)


logical; if true, any NA and NaN's are removed from x before the quantiles are computed.


logical; if true, the result has a names attribute. Set to FALSE for speedup with many probs.


an integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine quantile algorithms detailed below to be used.


further arguments passed to or from other methods. Like quantile and so on.


See description on documentation of quantile.


Claudio Agostinelli and Alessandro Gagliardi.


A vector of length length(probs) is returned; if names = TRUE, it has a names attribute.

NA and NaN values in probs are propagated to the result.

The algorithm will proceed how described below: 1) Linearize the circular observations. 2) Calculate the linear median like type establish. 3) The value it will transformed in circular.


Run this code
x <- rvonmises(1001, mu=circular(pi), kappa=5)
quantile.circular(x) # Extremes & Quartiles by default

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab