Learn R Programming

circular (version 0.5-1)

rose.diag: Rose Diagram


Creates a rose diagram of a circular data set on the current graphics device.


rose.diag(x, pch = 16, cex = 1, axes = TRUE, shrink = 1, 
  bins = NULL, upper = TRUE, ticks = TRUE, tcl = 0.025, tcl.text = 0.125,
  radii.scale = c("sqrt", "linear"), border=NULL, col=NULL, tol = 0.04,
  uin = NULL, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), prop = 1, digits = 2, 
  plot.info = NULL, units = NULL, template = NULL, zero = NULL, 
  rotation = NULL, main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "",
  add = FALSE, control.circle = circle.control(), ...)


a list with information on the plot: zero, rotation and next.points.



a vector, matrix or data.frame. The object is coerced to class circular.


point character to use. See help on par.


point character size. See help on par.


logical: if TRUE axes are plotted according to properties of x.


parameter that controls the size of the plotted circle. Default is 1. Larger values shrink the circle, while smaller values enlarge the circle.


number of arcs to partition the circle with.


therose diagram cells are "upper"-closed intervals.


logical: if TRUE ticks are plotted according to the value of bins.


length of the ticks.


the position of the axis labels.


make possible to choose sector radius form: square-root of relative frequency (sqrt, default) or conventional linear scale (linear).


the color to draw the border. The default, NULL, means to use par("fg"). Use border = NA to omit borders.


the color for filling the rose diagram. The default, NULL, is to leave rose diagram unfilled. color of the points. The values are recycled if needed.


proportion of white space at the margins of plot.


desired values for the units per inch parameter. If of length 1, the desired units per inch on the x axis.

xlim, ylim

the ranges to be encompassed by the x and y axes. Useful for centering the plot.


numerical constant determining the radii of the sectors. By default, prop = 1.


number of digits used to print axis values.


an object from plot.circular that contains information on the zero, the rotation and next.points.


the units used in the plot. If NULL the units of the first component of 'x' is used.


the template of the plot. Ignored if plot.info is provided.


the zero of the plot. Ignored if plot.info or template are provided.


the rotation of the plot. Ignored if plot.info or template are provided.

main, sub, xlab, ylab

title, subtitle, x label and y label of the plot.


add the rose diag to an existing plot.


parameters passed to plot.default in order to draw the circle. The function circle.control is used to set the parameters.


further parameters passed to polygon.


Claudio Agostinelli, Ulric Lund and Hiroyoshi Arai


The circumference of the circle is split into groups, the number of groups specified by bins. For each group, a sector is drawn. The radii of the sectors are by default equal to the square root of the relative frequencies of observations in each group. This ensures that the area of the sector is proportional to the group frequency. The length of the radii can be controlled by varying the parameter prop. Since version 0.3-9 the intervals are on the form [a,b).

See Also



Run this code

# Generate uniform data and create several rose diagrams.  
# Some optional parameters may be needed to optimize plots.
x <- circular(runif(50, 0, 2*pi))
rose.diag(x, bins = 18, main = 'Uniform Data')

# Generate von Mises data and create several rose diagrams.
x <- rvonmises(n=50, mu=circular(0), kappa=5, control.circular=list(zero=pi/4))
y <- rose.diag(x, bins=18) # Points fall out of bounds.
points(x, plot.info=y, stack=TRUE)
y <- rose.diag(x, bins=18, prop=1.5, shrink=1.5) # Adjust optional parameters to fit
######## all points on plot.
points(x, plot.info=y, stack=TRUE)

# Add the rose diag to a plot
rose.diag(x, bins=12, add=TRUE, col=2)

# Examples on using radii.scale and prop with a dummy dataset where 
# highest proportion is 50% in bin 2
x <- c(2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 10, 20)
circ.x <- circular::circular(x, units = "hours", template = "clock24")
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
rose.diag(circ.x, bins=24, main="radii.scale=linear, prop=1",
          radii.scale="linear", prop=1)
rose.diag(circ.x, bins=24, main = "radii.scale=linear, prop=2",
          radii.scale="linear", prop=2)
rose.diag(circ.x, bins=24, main = "radii.scale=sqrt, prop=1",
          radii.scale="sqrt", prop=1)
rose.diag(circ.x, bins=24, main = "radii.scale=sqrt, prop=sqrt(2)",
          radii.scale="sqrt", prop=sqrt(2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab