A vector of threshold values at directions 1,...,360. It is used for spline ML and local ML examples.
A vector of 360 values.
It has been generated as follows:
data(HsSP) data(drc) timeRange <- 54.5idx <- order(drc) drc <- drc[idx] Data <- HsSP[idx] set.seed(1234) Data <- Data + runif(length(Data), -1e-4, 1e-4)
thetaVec <- 1:360
thresholdExampleML <- ThrSelection(Data=Data, drc=drc, h=60, b=0.35, thetaGrid=thetaVec, EVIestimator="ML", useKernel=T, concent=10, bw=30, numCores=2)$thr