Summarizes the current state of the incoming queue at CRAN. A shorter alias is provided by
function ciw
incoming(folder = c("auto", known_folders), check = TRUE, sort = TRUE,
ping = TRUE)ciw(folder = c("auto", known_folders), check = TRUE, sort = TRUE,
ping = TRUE)
A ‘data.table’ object with first column ‘folder’ as well as columns for package name, upload time and size.
is an unexported global state variable with a simple vector of
the (currently) known directory names “archive”, “inspect”, “newbies”,
“pending”, “pretest”, “publish”, “recheck”, “waiting”,
“BA”, “KH”, “KL”, “UL”, and “VW”.
A character variable correponding to one (or more) of the existing directories
at the incoming
directory at CRAN, or a meta value. The default value is ‘auto’
to designate the combination of ‘pending’, ‘recheck’, ‘inspect’ and
‘pretest’. See also below for known_folders
A logical variable with a default of ‘TRUE’ indicating that the value of ‘folder’ should be check against a list of known values. Using ‘FALSE’ allows new values, or different combinations not supported by default.
A logical variable with a default of ‘TRUE’ indicating that the overall result be sorted by column ‘Age’.
A logical variable with a default of ‘TRUE’ indicating that network connectivity should be checked first.