Learn R Programming

cli (version 3.6.3)

cli_process_start: Indicate the start and termination of some computation in the status bar (superseded)


The cli_process_*() functions are superseded by the cli_progress_message() and cli_progress_step() functions, because they have a better default behavior.

Typically you call cli_process_start() to start the process, and then cli_process_done() when it is done. If an error happens before cli_process_done() is called, then cli automatically shows the message for unsuccessful termination.


  msg_done = paste(msg, "... done"),
  msg_failed = paste(msg, "... failed"),
  on_exit = c("auto", "failed", "done"),
  msg_class = "alert-info",
  done_class = "alert-success",
  failed_class = "alert-danger",
  .auto_close = TRUE,
  .envir = parent.frame()

cli_process_done( id = NULL, msg_done = NULL, .envir = parent.frame(), done_class = "alert-success" )

cli_process_failed( id = NULL, msg = NULL, msg_failed = NULL, .envir = parent.frame(), failed_class = "alert-danger" )


Id of the status bar container.



The message to show to indicate the start of the process or computation. It will be collapsed into a single string, and the first line is kept and cut to console_width().


The message to use for successful termination.


The message to use for unsuccessful termination.


Whether this process should fail or terminate successfully when the calling function (or the environment in .envir) exits.


The style class to add to the message. Use an empty string to suppress styling.


The style class to add to the successful termination message. Use an empty string to suppress styling.a


The style class to add to the unsuccessful termination message. Use an empty string to suppress styling.a


Whether to clear the status bar when the calling function finishes (or .envir is removed from the stack, if specified).


Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in. It is also used to auto-clear the status bar if .auto_close is TRUE.


Id of the status bar container to clear. If id is not the id of the current status bar (because it was overwritten by another status bar container), then the status bar is not cleared. If NULL (the default) then the status bar is always cleared.


If you handle the errors of the process or computation, then you can do the opposite: call cli_process_start() with on_exit = "done", and in the error handler call cli_process_failed(). cli will automatically call cli_process_done() on successful termination, when the calling function finishes.

See examples below.

See Also

This function supports inline markup.

The cli_progress_message() and cli_progress_step() functions, for a superior API.

Other status bar: cli_status_clear(), cli_status_update(), cli_status()

Other functions supporting inline markup: cli_abort(), cli_alert(), cli_blockquote(), cli_bullets_raw(), cli_bullets(), cli_dl(), cli_h1(), cli_li(), cli_ol(), cli_progress_along(), cli_progress_bar(), cli_progress_message(), cli_progress_output(), cli_progress_step(), cli_rule, cli_status_update(), cli_status(), cli_text(), cli_ul(), format_error(), format_inline()


Run this code

## Failure by default
fun <- function() {
  if (interactive()) Sys.sleep(1)
  if (runif(1) < 0.5) stop("Failed")
tryCatch(fun(), error = function(err) err)

## Success by default
fun2 <- function() {
  cli_process_start("Calculating", on_exit = "done")
    if (interactive()) Sys.sleep(1)
    if (runif(1) < 0.5) stop("Failed")
  }, error = function(err) cli_process_failed())

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab