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climate (version 1.0.5)

sounding_wyoming: Sounding data


Downloading the measurements of the vertical profile of atmosphere (also known as sounding data). Data can be retrieved using TEMP and BUFR sounding formatting.


sounding_wyoming(wmo_id, yy, mm, dd, hh, min = 0, bufr = FALSE)


Returns two lists with values described at: weather.uwyo.edu ; The first list contains:

  1. PRES - Pressure (hPa)

  2. HGHT - Height (metres)

  3. TEMP - Temperature (C)

  4. DWPT - Dew point (C)

  5. RELH - Relative humidity (%)

  6. MIXR - Mixing ratio (g/kg)

  7. DRCT - Wind direction (deg)

  8. SKNT - Wind speed (knots)

  9. THTA = (K)

  10. THTE = (K)

  11. THTV = (K)

The second list contains metadata and calculated thermodynamic / atmospheric instability indices (for TEMP soundings only)

A list of 2 data.frames where first data frame represents parameters of upper parts o with columns describing the meteorogical parameters (e.g. temperature, air pressure) where each row represent a measurement, depending on the height. Second data.frame presents a description of the conditions under which the sounding was carried out.



international WMO station code (World Meteorological Organization ID); For Polish stations: Łeba - 12120, Legionowo - 12374, Wrocław- 12425


year - single number


month - single number denoting month


day - single number denoting day


hour - single number denoting initial hour of sounding; for most stations this measurement is done twice a day (i.e. at 12 and 00 UTC), sporadically 4 times a day


minute - single number denoting initial minute of sounding; applies only to BUFR soundings.

  • BUFR or TEMP sounding to be decoded. By default TEMP is used. For BUFR soundings use bufr = TRUE


Run this code
# \donttest{
# download data for Station 45004 starting 1120Z 11 Jul 2021; Kowloon, HONG KONG, CHINA
# using TEMP and BUFR sounding formats
TEMP = sounding_wyoming(wmo_id = 45004, yy = 2021, mm = 07, dd = 17, hh = 12, min = 00)
BUFR = sounding_wyoming(wmo_id = 45004, yy = 2021, mm = 07, dd = 17, hh = 12, min = 00, bufr = TRUE)

### example with a random date to download sounding from LEBA, PL station: ###

  profile = sounding_wyoming(wmo_id = 12120, 
                             yy = sample(2000:2019,1),
                             mm = sample(1:12,1), 
                             dd = sample(1:20,1), 
                             hh = 0)
  plot(profile[[1]]$HGHT, profile[[1]]$PRES, type = 'l')
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab