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climate (version 1.2.2)

meteo_ogimet: Scrapping meteorological (Synop) data from the Ogimet webpage


Downloading hourly or daily (meteorological) data from the Synop stations available at https://www.ogimet.com/


  date = c(Sys.Date() - 30, Sys.Date()),
  coords = FALSE,
  precip_split = TRUE,
  allow_failure = TRUE


A data.frame of measured values with columns describing the meteorological parameters (e.g. air temperature, wind speed, cloudines). Depending on the interval, at a given hour or day. Different parameters are returned for daily and hourly datasets.

  1. station_ID - WMO station identifier

  2. Lon - longitude

  3. Lat - latitude

  4. Date - date (and time) of observations

  5. TC - air temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  6. TdC - dew point temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  7. TmaxC - maximum air temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  8. TminC - minimum air temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  9. ddd - wind direction

  10. ffkmh - wind speed in km/h

  11. Gustkmh - wind gust in km/h

  12. P0hpa - air pressure at elevation of the station in hPa

  13. PseahPa - sea level pressure in hPa

  14. PTnd - pressure tendency in hPa

  15. Nt - total cloud cover

  16. Nh - cloud cover by high-level cloud fraction

  17. HKm - height of cloud base

  18. InsoD1 - insolation in hours

  19. Viskm - visibility in kilometres

  20. Snowcm - depth of snow cover in centimetres

  21. pr6 - precicipitation totals in 6 hours

  22. pr12 - precicipitation totals in 12 hours

  23. pr24 - precicipitation totals in 24 hours

  24. TemperatureCAvg - average air temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  25. TemperatureCMax - maximum air temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  26. TemperatureCMin - minimum air temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  27. TdAvgC - average dew point temperature at 2 metres above ground level. Values given in Celsius degrees

  28. HrAvg - average relative humidity. Values given in %

  29. WindkmhDir - wind direction

  30. WindkmhInt - wind speed in km/h

  31. WindkmhGust - wind gust in km/h

  32. PresslevHp - Sea level pressure in hPa

  33. Precmm - precipitation totals in mm

  34. TotClOct - total cloudiness in octants

  35. lowClOct - cloudiness by low level clouds in octants

  36. SunD1h - sunshine duration in hours

  37. PreselevHp - atmospheric pressure measured at altitude of station in hPa

  38. SnowDepcm - depth of snow cover in centimetres



'daily' or 'hourly' dataset to retrieve - given as character


start and finish date (e.g., date = c("2018-05-01", "2018-07-01")) - character or Date class object. If not provided last 30 days are used.


add geographical coordinates of the station (logical value TRUE or FALSE)


WMO ID of meteorological station(s). Character or numeric vector


whether to split precipitation fields into 6/12/24h


logical - whether to proceed or stop on failure. By default set to TRUE (i.e. don't stop on error). For debugging purposes change to FALSE numeric fields (logical value TRUE (default) or FALSE); valid only for hourly time step


Run this code
# \donttest{
  # downloading daily data for New York - La Guardia (last 30 days by default)
  new_york = meteo_ogimet(interval = "daily", 
                          station = 72503, 
                          coords = TRUE)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab