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clock (version 0.7.2)

date-sequence: Sequences: date


This is a Date method for the date_seq() generic.

date_seq() generates a date (Date) sequence.

When calling date_seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • total_size


# S3 method for Date
date_seq(from, ..., to = NULL, by = NULL, total_size = NULL, invalid = NULL)


A date vector.




A date to start the sequence from.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


[Date(1) / NULL]

A date to stop the sequence at.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.

If to is supplied along with by, all components of to more precise than the precision of by must match from exactly. For example, if by = duration_months(1), the day component of to must match the day component of from. This ensures that the generated sequence is, at a minimum, a weakly monotonic sequence of dates.


[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is equivalent to duration_days(by).

If by is a duration, it is allowed to have a precision of:

  • year

  • quarter

  • month

  • week

  • day


[positive integer(1) / NULL]

The size of the resulting sequence.

If specified alongside to, this must generate a non-fractional sequence between from and to.


[character(1) / NULL]

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


Run this code
from <- date_build(2019, 1)
to <- date_build(2019, 4)

# Defaults to daily sequence
date_seq(from, to = to, by = 7)

# Use durations to change to monthly or yearly sequences
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1))
date_seq(from, by = duration_years(-2), total_size = 3)

# Note that components of `to` more precise than the precision of `by`
# must match `from` exactly. For example, this is not well defined:
from <- date_build(2019, 5, 2)
to <- date_build(2025, 7, 5)
try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_years(1)))

# The month and day components of `to` must match `from`
to <- date_build(2025, 5, 2)
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_years(1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Invalid dates must be resolved with the `invalid` argument
from <- date_build(2019, 1, 31)
to <- date_build(2019, 12, 31)

try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1)))
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "previous")

# Compare this to the base R result, which is often a source of confusion
seq(from, to = to, by = "1 month")

# This is equivalent to the overflow invalid resolution strategy
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "overflow")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Usage of `to` and `total_size` must generate a non-fractional sequence
# between `from` and `to`
from <- date_build(2019, 1, 1)
to <- date_build(2019, 1, 4)

# These are fine
date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 2)
date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 4)

# But this is not!
try(date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 3))

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