Low level interface function to the COIN-OR Clp function
. Consult the COIN-OR Clp
documentation for more detailed information.
loadProblemCLP(lp, ncols, nrows, ia, ja, ra,
lb = NULL, ub = NULL, obj_coef = NULL,
rlb = NULL, rub = NULL)
An object of class "'>clpPtr"
as returned by
. This is basically a pointer to a COIN-OR Clp
problem object.
Number of Columns.
Number of Rows.
Row indices in the constraint matrix.
Column starts in constraint matrix.
Non zero elements of the constraint matrix.
Column lower bounds.
Column upper bounds.
Objective coefficients.
Row lower bounds.
Row upper bounds.
Interface to the C function loadProblem
which calls
the COIN-OR Clp function Clp_loadProblem
The COIN-OR Clp home page at https://projects.coin-or.org/Clp