A dataset containing state-level annual mortality rates for select causes of death, as well as data related to the minimum legal drinking age and alcohol consumption.
A data frame with 5508 rows and 12 variables:
Year of observation
identifier for state
Number of deaths
Population size
Proportion of 18-20 year-old population that is legally allowed to drink
Beer taxation rate
Beer consumption per capita
Wine consumption per capita
Spirits consumption per capita
Total alcohol consumption per capita
Mortality rate per 10,000
Cause of death
Angrist, J. D., and Pischke, J. S. (2014). _Mastering'metrics: the path from cause to effect_. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Carpenter, C., & Dobkin, C. (2011). The minimum legal drinking age and public health. _Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25_(2), 133-156. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1257/jep.25.2.133")