A dataset containing estimated effect sizes, variances, and covariates from a meta-analysis of dropout prevention/intervention program effects, conducted by Wilson et al. (2011). Missing observations were imputed.
A data frame with 385 rows and 18 variables:
log-odds ratio measuring the intervention effect
estimated sampling variance of the log-odds ratio
unique identifier for each study
unique identifier for each sample within a study
study design (randomized, matched, or non-randomized and unmatched)
outcome measure for the intervention effect is estimated (school dropout, school enrollment, graduation, graduation or GED receipt)
degree of evaluator independence (independent, indirect but influential, involved in planning but not delivery, involved in delivery)
level of implementation quality (clear problems, possible problems, no apparent problems)
Program delivery site (community, mixed, school classroom, school but outside of classroom)
Overall attrition (proportion)
pretest group-equivalence log-odds ratio
adjusted or unadjusted data used to calculate intervention effect
proportion of the sample that is male
proportion of the sample that is white
average age of the sample
program duration (in weeks)
program contact hours per week
indicator for the 32 studies with 3 or more effect sizes
Wilson, S. J., Lipsey, M. W., Tanner-Smith, E., Huang, C. H., & Steinka-Fry, K. T. (2011). Dropout prevention and intervention programs: Effects on school completion and dropout Among school-aged children and youth: A systematic review. _Campbell Systematic Reviews, 7_(1), 1-61. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.4073/csr.2011.8")
Tipton, E., & Pustejovsky, J. E. (2015). Small-sample adjustments for tests of moderators and model fit using robust variance estimation in meta-regression. _Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 40_(6), 604-634. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3102/1076998615606099")