## Example 1 in ref:
## Dissimilarities using Euclidean metric and without standardization
d.agr <- daisy(agriculture, metric = "euclidean", stand = FALSE)
as.matrix(d.agr)[,"DK"] # via as.matrix.dist(.)
## compare with
as.matrix(daisy(agriculture, metric = "gower"))
## Example 2 in reference, extended --- different ways of "mixed" / "gower":
example(flower) # -> data(flower) *and* provide 'flowerN'
summary(d0 <- daisy(flower)) # -> the first 3 {0,1} treated as *N*ominal
summary(dS123 <- daisy(flower, type = list(symm = 1:3))) # first 3 treated as *S*ymmetric
stopifnot(dS123 == d0) # i.e., *S*ymmetric <==> *N*ominal {for 2-level factor}
summary(dNS123<- daisy(flowerN, type = list(symm = 1:3)))
stopifnot(dS123 == d0)
## by default, however ...
summary(dA123 <- daisy(flowerN)) # .. all 3 logicals treated *A*symmetric binary (w/ warning)
summary(dA3 <- daisy(flower, type = list(asymm = 3)))
summary(dA13 <- daisy(flower, type = list(asymm = c(1, 3), ordratio = 7)))
## Mixing variable *names* and column numbers (failed in the past):
summary(dfl3 <- daisy(flower, type = list(asymm = c("V1", "V3"), symm= 2,
ordratio= 7, logratio= 8)))
## If we'd treat the first 3 as simple {0,1}
Nflow <- flower
Nflow[,1:3] <- lapply(flower[,1:3], function(f) as.integer(as.character(f)))
summary(dN <- daisy(Nflow)) # w/ warning: treated binary .. 1:3 as interval
## Still, using Euclidean/Manhattan distance for {0-1} *is* identical to treating them as "N" :
stopifnot(dN == d0)
stopifnot(dN == daisy(Nflow, type = list(symm = 1:3))) # or as "S"
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