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cluster (version 2.1.8)

plot.mona: Banner of Monothetic Divisive Hierarchical Clusterings


Creates the banner of a mona object.


# S3 method for mona
plot(x, main = paste("Banner of ", deparse1(x$call)),
          sub = NULL, xlab = "Separation step",
	  col = c(2,0), axes = TRUE, adj = 0,
          nmax.lab = 35, max.strlen = 5, ...)



Plots the separation step at which clusters are splitted. The observations are given in the order found by the mona algorithm, the numbers in the step vector are represented as bars between the observations.

When a long bar is drawn between two observations, those observations have the same value for each variable. See chapter 7 of Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990).


see those in plot.agnes.

See Also

mona, mona.object, par.