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clv (version 0.3-2.1)

cls.attrib: Mean, cluster size and center - cluster utilities


Mean, center of each cluster, number of objects in each cluster - informations retrieved from partitioned data using cls.attrib.


cls.attrib(data, clust)


numeric matrix or data.frame where columns correspond to variables and rows to observations.
integer vector with information about cluster id the object is assigned to. If vector is not integer type, it will be coerced with warning.


  • As a result function returns object of list type which contains three objects with information about: mean - numeric vector which represents mean of given data, cluster.center - numeric matrix where columns correspond to variables and rows to observations, cluster.size - integer vector with information about size of each cluster.

See Also

Result of function is mostly used to compute following indicies: clv.Dis, wcls.matrix, bcls.matrix.


Run this code
# create "data" matrix
mx <- matrix(0,4,2)
mx[2,1] = mx[3,2] = mx[4,1] = mx[4,2] = 1
# give information about cluster assignment
clust = as.integer(c(1,1,2,2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab