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cna (version 3.6.2)

d.highdim: Artificial data with 50 factors and 1191 cases


These crisp-set data are simulated from a presupposed data generating structure (i.e. a causal chain). They feature 20% noise and massive fragmentation (limited diversity). d.highdim is used to illustrate CNA's capacity to analyze high-dimensional data.





The data frame contains 50 factors (columns), V1 to V50, and 1191 rows (cases). It was simulated from the following data generating structure: $$(v2*V10 + V18*V16*v15 <-> V13)*(V2*v14 + V3*v12 + V13*V19 <-> V11)$$ 20% of the cases in d.highdim are incompatible with that structure, meaning they are affected by noise or measurement error. The fragmentation is massive, as there is a total of 281 trillion (\(2^{48}\)) configurations over the set {V1,...,V50} that are compatible with that structure.