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cna (version 3.6.2)

d.performance: Data on combinations of industry, corporate, and business-unit effects


This dataset is from Greckhammer et al. (2008), who analyze the causal conditions for superior (above average) business-unit performance of corporations in the manufacturing sector during the years 1995 to 1998.





The data frame contains 214 rows featuring configurations, one column reporting the frequencies of each configuration, and 8 columns listing the following Boolean factors:

[ , 1]MUabove average industry munificence
[ , 2]DYhigh industry dynamism
[ , 3]COhigh industry competitiveness
[ , 4]DIVhigh corporate diversification
[ , 5]CRAabove median corporate resource availability
[ , 6]CIabove median corporate capital intensity
[ , 7]BUSlarge business-unit size
[ , 8]SPabove average business-unit performance (in the manufacturing sector)