# Crisp-set case
# --------------
# Testing disjunctive normal forms.
is.inus(c("A", "A + B", "A + a*B", "A + a", "A*a", "A*a + B"))
# Testing expressions in the syntax of atomic solution formulas.
is.inus(c("A + B <-> C", "A + B <-> c", "A + a*B <-> C", "A*a + B <-> C", "A + a <-> C",
"F*G + f*g + H <-> E", "F*G + f*g + H*F + H*G <-> E"))
# Testing expressions in the syntax of complex solution formulas.
is.inus(c("(A + B <-> C)*(c + E <-> D)", "(A <-> B)*(B <-> C)", "(A <-> B)*(B <-> C)*(C <-> D)",
"(A <-> B)*(B <-> a)", "(A*B + c <-> D)*(E + f <-> D)",
"(A + B <-> C)*(B*c + E <-> D)"))
# A redundancy in necessary or sufficient conditions, i.e.
# a non-INUS asf in a csf.
is.inus("(A + A*B <-> C)*(B + D <-> E)", csf.info = TRUE)
# A structural redundancy in a csf.
cond1 <- "(e + a*D <-> C)*(C + A*B <-> D)*(a + c <-> E)"
is.inus("(e + a*D <-> C)*(C + A*B <-> D)*(a + c <-> E)", csf.info = TRUE)
# The first asf in cond1 is redundant.
minimalizeCsf(cond1, selectCases(cond1))
# A partial structural redundancy in a csf.
cond2 <- "(A + B*c + c*E <-> D)*(B + C <-> E)"
is.inus(cond2, csf.info = TRUE)
# The second or third disjunct in the first asf of cond2 is redundant.
# The notion of a partial structural redundancy (PSR) can be defined in two
# different ways. To illustrate, consider the following two csfs.
cond2b <- "(B + F*C <-> A)*(A*e*f <-> B)"
cond2c <- "(B + F*C <-> A)*(A*f <-> B)"
# cond2c is a proper submodel of cond2b, and cond2b logically implies cond2c,
# but the two csfs are not logically equivalent (i.e. cond2c does not
# imply cond2b). If a PSR is said to obtain when one csf logically implies
# a proper submodel of itself, then cond2b contains a PSR. If a csf has to be
# logically equivalent to a proper submodel of itself in order for a PSR to
# obtain, then cond2b does not contain a PSR. This difference is implemented
# in the argument def of is.inus(). The default is def = "implication".
is.inus(cond2b, csf.info = TRUE, def = "implication")
is.inus(cond2b, csf.info = TRUE, def = "equivalence")
# The two definitions of PSR only come apart in case of cyclic structures.
# In versions of cna prior to 3.6.0, is.inus() implemented the "equivalence"
# definition of PSR. That is, to reproduce results of earlier versions, def may
# have to be set to "equivalence".
# A csf entailing that one factor is constant.
is.inus("(a + C <-> D)*(D + G <-> A)", csf.info = TRUE)
# A contradictory (i.e. logically constant) csf.
is.inus("(A <-> B)*(B <-> a)", csf.info = TRUE)
# A csf with multiple identical outcomes.
is.inus("(A + C <-> B)*(C + E <-> B)", csf.info = TRUE)
# Multi-value case
# ----------------
# In case of multi-value data, is.inus() needs to be given a dataset x determining
# the value ranges of the factors in cond.
mvdata <- configTable(setNames(allCombs(c(2, 3, 2, 3)) -1, c("C", "F", "V", "O")))
is.inus("C=1 + F=2*V=0 <-> O=2", mvdata)
# x can also be given to is.inus() as a list.
is.inus("C=1 + F=2*V=0 <-> O=2", list(C=0:1, F=0:2, V=0:1, O=0:2))
# When x is NULL, is.inus() is applied to full.ct("C=1 + F=2*V=0"), which has only
# one single row. That row is then interpreted to be the only possible configuration,
# in which case C=1 + F=2*V=0 is tautologous and, hence, non-INUS.
is.inus("C=1 + F=2*V=0 <-> O=2")
is.inus("C=1 + C=0*C=2", configTable(d.pban)) # contradictory
is.inus("C=0 + C=1 + C=2", configTable(d.pban)) # tautologous
# A redundancy in necessary or sufficient conditions, i.e. a
# non-INUS asf in a csf.
fullDat <- full.ct(list(A=1:3, B=1:3, C=1:3, D=1:3, E=1:3))
is.inus("(A=1 + A=1*B=2 <-> C=3)*(B=2 + D=3 <-> E=1)", fullDat, csf.info = TRUE)
# A structural redundancy in a csf.
cond3 <- "(E=2 + C=1*D=3 <-> A=1)*(A=3*E=1 + C=2*D=2 <-> B=3)*(A=1*E=3 + D=2*E=3 <-> C=1)*
(A=1*C=2 + A=1*C=3 <-> E=2)"
is.inus(cond3, fullDat, csf.info = TRUE)
# The last asf in cond3 is redundant.
minimalizeCsf(cond3, selectCases(cond3, fullDat))
# A partial structural redundancy in a csf.
cond4 <- "(B=2*C=3 + C=2*D=1 + B=2*C=1*D=2*E=1 <-> A=2)*(D=2*E=1 + D=3*E=1 <-> B=1)"
is.inus(cond4, fullDat, csf.info = TRUE)
# The third disjunct in the first asf of cond4 is redundant.
cna(selectCases(cond4, fullDat))
# A csf entailing that one factor is constant. (I.e. D is constantly ~(D=1).)
cond5 <- "(A=1 + B=2 + E=3 <->C=3)*(A=1*C=1 + B=2*C=1 <-> D=1)"
is.inus(cond5, fullDat, csf.info = TRUE)
# A contradictory csf.
is.inus("(A=1 <-> C=1)*(A=1 <-> C=2)*(A=1 <-> C=3)", fullDat, csf.info = TRUE)
# A csf with multiple identical outcomes.
is.inus("(A=1 + B=2 + D=3 <-> C=1)*(A=2 + B=3 + D=2 <-> C=1)", fullDat, csf.info = TRUE)
# Fuzzy-set case
# --------------
fsdata <- configTable(d.jobsecurity)
conds <- csf(cna(fsdata, con = 0.85, cov = 0.85, inus.only = FALSE))$condition
# Various examples of different types.
is.inus(conds[1:10], fsdata, csf.info = TRUE)
is.inus(c("S + s", "S + s*R", "S*s"), fsdata)
# A redundancy in necessary or sufficient conditions, i.e. a
# non-INUS asf in a csf.
is.inus("(S + s*L <-> JSR)*(R + P <-> V)", fsdata, csf.info = TRUE)
# A structural redundancy in a csf.
is.inus("(s + l*R <-> C)*(C + L*V <-> R)*(l + c <-> S)", fsdata, csf.info = TRUE)
# A partial structural redundancy in a csf.
is.inus("(S + L*c + c*R <-> P)*(L + C <-> R)", fsdata, csf.info = TRUE)
# A csf entailing that one factor is constant.
is.inus("(S + L <-> P)*(L*p <-> JSR)", csf.info = TRUE)
# A contradictory csf.
is.inus("(S <-> JSR)*(JSR <-> s)", fsdata, csf.info = TRUE)
# A csf with multiple identical outcomes.
is.inus("(S*C + V <-> JSR)*(R + P <-> JSR)", fsdata, csf.info = TRUE)
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