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cna (version 3.6.2)

shortcuts: Shortcut functions with fixed type argument.


In previous versions of the cna package (<3.2), these functions were designed to abbreviate the specification of the data type using the type argument in calls to configTable, cna and condition, respectively.

They have become obsolete since the introduction of the default setting type = "auto" in package version 3.2.0.



cscna(...) mvcna(...) fscna(...)

cscond(...) mvcond(...) fscond(...)



In cscna, mvcna, fscna: any formal argument of cna except type. In csct, mvct, fsct: any formal argument of configTable except type. In cscond, mvcond, fscond: any formal argument of condition except type.


csct(x, ...), mvct(x, ...), and fsct(x, ...) are shorthands for configTable(x, type = "cs", ...),
configTable(x, type = "mv", ...) and configTable(x, type = "fs", ...), respectively.

cscna(x, ...), mvcna(x, ...), and fscna(x, ...) are shorthands for cna(x, type = "cs", ...), cna(x, type = "mv", ...) and cna(x, type = "fs", ...), respectively.

cscond(x, ct, ...), mvcond(x, ct, ...), and fscond(x, ct, ...) are shorthands for condition(x, ct, type = "cs", ...),
condition(x, ct, type = "mv", ...) and condition(x, ct, type = "fs", ...), respectively.

See Also

configTable, cna, condition