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colorSpec (version 1.6-0)

computeCRI: Compute Color Rendering Index (CRI) of Light Spectra


Compute the CIE 1974 color rendering index (CRI) of a light spectrum, called the the test illuminant.
From the given spectrum a reference illuminant is selected with the same CCT (Correlated Color Temperature). A selected set of 8 color samples is rendered in XYZ (1931) with both illuminants and 8 color differences are computed in CIE 1964 UVW color space. For each color sample a CRI is computed, where 100 is a perfect color match. The final CRI is the average of these 8 CRI values.


# S3 method for colorSpec
computeCRI( x, CCT=NULL, adapt=TRUE, tol=5.4e-3, attach=FALSE )
# S3 method for colorSpec
computeCRIdata( x, CCT=NULL, adapt=TRUE, tol=5.4e-3 )


computeCRI() returns a vector of CRI values with length equal to the number of spectra in x. All values are \(\le\) 100. In case of ERROR the CRI value is NA_real_. If attach is TRUE and x has exactly one spectrum, a large list of intermediate calculations is attached to the returned number.

computeCRIdata() returns a list of intermediate calculations, for the single spectrum in x. The items in the list are:

CCTthe Correlated Color Temperature of the reference illuminant.
illum.refthe reference illuminant, which is a colorSpec object.
table1a data frame with 2 rows, with CIE data for the test and reference illuminants (see below).
Delta_uvthe distance between the illuminants in the CIE 1960 uniform chromaticity space.
table2a data frame with 14 rows, with CIE XYZ data of the 14 color samples.
table3a data frame with 14 rows, with CIE uv data of the 14 color samples. If argument adapt is FALSE, then table3=NULL.
table4a data frame with 14 rows, with UVW data of the 14 color samples.

The columns of table1 are:

XYZthe CIE XYZ of the 2 illuminants.
xythe CIE xy of the 2 illuminants.
uvthe CIE 1960 uv of the 2 illuminants. Delta_uv is the distance between these 2 points.

The first row of table1 is the given test illuminant, and the second row is the reference illuminant. The initial letter of the rowname of the reference indicates the type: the letter P means a Planckian illuminant, and the letter D means a Daylight illuminant.

The columns of table2 are:

referenthe CIE XYZ of the color sample, as illuminated by the reference illuminant.
testthe CIE XYZ of the color sample, as illuminated by the test illuminant.

The columns of table3 are:

beforethe CIE 1960 uv of the color sample, as illuminated by the test illuminant.
afterthe before values, after adaptation to the reference illuminant.
differenceafter - before

The columns of table4 are:

referenthe UVW of the color sample, as illuminated by the reference illuminant.
testthe UVW of the color sample, as illuminated by the test illuminant.
DeltaEthe distance between the test and reference UVWs
CRIthe CRI of the color sample, which is a function of DeltaE.

The final CRI is the average of the CRI of the first 8 samples in table4, and the remaining samples are ignored.



a non-empty colorSpec object with type equal to 'light'. The spectra in x are the test illuminants. For computeCRIdata() there must be exactly 1 spectrum. For computeCRI() there can be multiple spectra.


the Correlated Color Temperature of the reference illuminant. If CCT=NULL (the default) then CCT is computed from the test illuminant. The user can override this with a target CCT, e.g. the advertised CCT for a particular light bulb. For computeCRIdata() there must be exactly one CCT. For computeCRI() the length of the vector must be either 1 or the number of spectra in x.


if TRUE, then a special chromatic adaption is performed, see Details


for the CRI to be meaningful the chromaticities of the test and reference illuminants must be sufficiently close in the CIE 1960 uniform chromaticity space. If the tolerance is exceeded, the CRI is set to NA_real_. The default tol=5.4e-3 is the one recommended by the CIE, but the argument allows the user to override it. To ignore this test, set tol=Inf.


if TRUE and there is exactly 1 spectrum in x, then the list of intermediate calculations returned by computeCRIdata() is attached to the returned number, as attribute data. This attached list includes data for all 14 color samples, though only the first 8 are used to compute the CRI. If there is not exactly 1 spectrum in x, then attach is ignored.


If not NULL, the CCT of x is computed by computeCCT() with default options.
When computing XYZs, the wavelengths of x and the color matching functions of xyz1931.1nm are used.
If adapt is TRUE the 8 color sample uv points are chromatically adapted from the test illuminant to the reference illuminant using a special von Kries type transformation; see Oleari and Wikipedia. The color sample UVW values are computed with the reference illuminant.
If adapt is FALSE the 8 color sample uv points are not chromatically adapted, and the color sample UVW values are computed with the test illuminant.


Oleari, Claudio, Gabriele Simone. Standard Colorimetry: Definitions, Algorithms and Software. John Wiley. 2016. pp. 465-470.

Günther Wyszecki and W. S. Stiles. Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 1982. Table 1(3.11). p. 828.

Wikipedia. Color rendering index. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_rendering_index

Hunt, R. W. G. and M. R. Pointer. Measuring Colour. 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2011. Appendix 7.

See Also

type(), xyz1931, computeCCT()


Run this code
computeCRI( Fs.5nm )
##       F1       F2       F3       F4  F5  F6       F7       F8       F9      F10      F11      F12 
## 75.82257 64.15195 56.68144 51.36348  NA  NA 90.18452 95.50431 90.29347 81.03585 82.83362 83.06373 

computeCRI( Fs.5nm, adapt=FALSE )
##       F1       F2       F3       F4  F5  F6       F7       F8       F9      F10      F11      F12 
## 77.73867 65.38567 57.20553 50.65979  NA  NA 90.18551 95.96459 90.27063 82.86106 82.86306 83.10613 

computeCRI( subset(Fs.5nm,'F2') )
##       F2 
## 64.15195 

computeCRI( subset(Fs.5nm,'F2'), CCT=4200 )
##       F2
## 63.96502

computeCRIdata( subset(Fs.5nm,'F2') )   # returns a very large list, ending with CRI = 64.15195 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab