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colorSpec (version 1.6-0)

plot: plot spectra


plot the spectra in a colorSpec object as lines or points


# S3 method for colorSpec
plot( x, color=NULL, subset=NULL, main=TRUE, legend=TRUE, CCT=FALSE, add=FALSE, ... )





a colorSpec object


If color=NULL then colors are computed from the spectra themselves. If type(x) is 'material' the color is computed using illuminant D65.1nm and responder BT.709.RGB with no further normalization. Otherwise the spectrum color is faked by changing its quantity to 'energy' and taking the product with BT.709.RGB. The resulting RGBs are normalized to have a maximum of 1. This RGB normalization is done before processing the subset argument.
If color='auto' then a suitable set of colors is generated using colorRamp().
Otherwise color is passed on to lines.default() as the col argument, e.g. col='black'.


specifies a subset of x to plot; see subset() for acceptable arguments.


If main=TRUE then a main title is generated from the file 'path' in the metadata list, or from deparse(substitute(x)). If main=FALSE then no main title is displayed. And if main is a string then that string is used as the main title.


If legend=TRUE then a pretty legend using specnames(x) is placed in the 'topright' corner of the plot. If legend is a string it is interpreted as naming a corner of the plot and passed as such to the function legend. If legend=FALSE then no legend is drawn.


If CCT=TRUE and the type of x is 'light' then the CCT of each spectrum is added to the legend; see computeCCT(). The package spacesXYZ must be installed.


If add=TRUE then the lines are added to an existing plot, and these arguments are ignored: main, ylab, xlim, ylim, and log; see Details.


other graphical parameters, see Details


Commonly used graphical parameters are:


passed to lines.default(), with default type='l'. Other valid values are 'p' (points), 'b', 'c', 'o', 'h', 'S', 's', and 'n', see plot() for their meanings.
An additional type='step' is available. This option draws each spectrum as a step function, similar to 'S' and 's', except that the jumps are between the wavelengths (with appropriate extensions at min and max wavelengths). The function segments() is used for the drawing. For type='step', lwd and lty should be vectors of length 1 or 2. If the length of lwd is 1, then horizontal segments are draw with that width, but vertical segments are not drawn. If the length of lwd is 2, then vertical segments are draw with width lwd[2]. If the length of lty is 2, then the styles are applied to the horizontal and vertical segments in that order. If the length of lty is 1, then that style is applied to both horizontal and vertical segments. For examples of this plotting option, see the vignette Convexity and Transitions.

lwd, lty

passed to lines.default(), except when type='step' when they are passed to segments(). In the former case these can be vectors, and components are passed sequentially to each spectrum, similar to matplot(). In the latter case, see the description in type. The default value for both is 1.


passed to lines.default(), but it only has meaning when type='p', 'b', or 'o'. This can be a vector, and components are passed sequentially to each spectrum.


If ylab is a string then it is passed on to plot.default(), otherwise suitable default string is generated.

xlim, ylim

If xlim and ylim are 2-vectors, they are passed to plot.default. If one of the components is NA then a suitable default is supplied.


passed on to plot.default(). Care must be taken for y because many spectra are 0 at some wavelengths, and even negative. Use ylim in such cases.

See Also

computeCCT(), subset(), lines(), segments(), plot(), matplot(), colorRamp()


Run this code
plot( 100 * BT.709.RGB )
plot( xyz1931.1nm, add=TRUE, lty=2, legend=FALSE )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab