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colorSpec (version 1.6-0)

scanner: standard RGB scanners


scanner.ACES is an RGB responder to material; an ACES/SMPTE standard for scanning RGB film. The 3 spectra are defined from 368 to 728 nm, at 2nm intervals.



A colorSpec object with quantity equal to 'material->electrical' and 3 spectra: r, g, and b.


The responsivities have been scaled (by calibrate) so the response to the perfect transmitting filter (PTF) is RGB=(1,1,1).


Technical Bulletin TB-2014-005. Informative Notes on SMPTE ST 2065-2 - Academy Printing Density (APD). Spectral Responsivities, Reference Measurement Device and Spectral Calculation.

SMPTE ST 2065-3 Academy Density Exchange Encoding (ADX). Encoding Academy Printing Density (APD) Values.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Science and Technology Council. Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) Project Committee. Version 1.0 December 19, 2014. Annex A Spectral Responsivities.

See Also

quantity, calibrate


Run this code
#   compute response of ACES scanner to the Hoya filters
product( Hoya, scanner.ACES, wave='auto' )

##                  R            G          B
## R-60   0.902447043 2.022522e-05 0.00000000
## G-533  0.038450857 4.900983e-01 0.05431134
## B-440  0.008466317 1.686241e-02 0.42863320
## LB-120 0.184408941 3.264111e-01 0.53492533

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab