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## overview of all _named_ HCL palettes
## visualize
hcl_palettes("qualitative", plot = TRUE)
hcl_palettes("sequential (single-hue)", n = 7, plot = TRUE)
hcl_palettes("sequential (multi-hue)", n = 7, plot = TRUE)
hcl_palettes("diverging", n = 7, plot = TRUE)
## inspect a specific palette
## (upper-case, spaces, etc. are ignored for matching)
hcl_palettes(palette = "Dark 2")
hcl_palettes(palette = "dark2")
## set up actual colors
qualitative_hcl(4, h = c(0, 288), c = 50, l = 60) ## by hand
qualitative_hcl(4, palette = "dark2") ## by name
qualitative_hcl(4, palette = "dark2", c = 80) ## by name plus modification
## how HCL palettes are constructed:
## by varying the perceptual properties via hue/chroma/luminance
"Hue" = sequential_hcl(5, h = c(0, 300), c = c(60, 60), l = 65),
"Chroma" = sequential_hcl(5, h = 0, c = c(100, 0), l = 65, rev = TRUE, power = 1),
"Luminance" = sequential_hcl(5, h = 260, c = c(25, 25), l = c(25, 90), rev = TRUE, power = 1),
off = 0
## for qualitative palettes luminance and chroma are fixed, varying only hue
hclplot(qualitative_hcl(9, c = 50, l = 70))
## single-hue sequential palette (h = 260) with linear vs. power-transformed trajectory
hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 260, c = 80, l = c(35, 95), power = 1))
hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 260, c = 80, l = c(35, 95), power = 1.5))
## advanced single-hue sequential palette with triangular chroma trajectory
## (piecewise linear vs. power-transformed)
hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 245, c = c(40, 75, 0), l = c(30, 95), power = 1))
hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 245, c = c(40, 75, 0), l = c(30, 95), power = c(0.8, 1.4)))
## multi-hue sequential palette with small hue range and triangular chroma vs.
## large hue range and linear chroma trajectory
hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = c(260, 220), c = c(50, 75, 0), l = c(30, 95), power = 1))
hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = c(260, 60), c = 60, l = c(40, 95), power = 1))
## balanced diverging palette constructed from two simple single-hue sequential
## palettes (for hues 260/blue and 0/red)
hclplot(diverging_hcl(7, h = c(260, 0), c = 80, l = c(35, 95), power = 1))
## to register a particular adapted palette for re-use in the same session
## with a new name the register=... argument can be used once, e.g.,
diverging_hcl(7, palette = "Tropic", h2 = 0, register = "mytropic")
## subsequently palete="mytropic" is available in diverging_hcl() and the diverging
## ggplot2 scales such as scale_color_continuous_diverging() etc.
demoplot(diverging_hcl(11, "mytropic"), type = "map")
## to register this palette in all R sessions you could place the following
## code in a startup script (e.g., .Rprofile):
## colorspace::diverging_hcl(7, palette = "Tropic", h2 = 0, register = "mytropic")
# }
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