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colorspace (version 2.1-1)

HSV: Create HSV Colors


This function creates colors of class HSV; a subclass of the virtual color-class class.


HSV(H, S, V, names)


An object of class HSV which inherits from class color.


H, S, V

These arguments give the hue, saturation and value of the colors. The values can be provided in separate H, S and V vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as H.


A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of H are used).


Ross Ihaka


This function creates colors in an HSV color space. The hues should lie between between 0 and 360, and the saturations and values should lie between 0 and 1.

HSV is a relative color space; it is a transformation of an RGB color space. Conversion of HSV colors to any other color space must first involve a conversion to a specific RGB color space, for example the standard sRGB color space (IEC standard 61966).

See Also

sRGB, RGB, XYZ, LAB, polarLAB, LUV, polarLUV.


Run this code
# A rainbow of full-intensity hues
HSV(seq(0, 360, length.out = 13)[-13], 1, 1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab