Internal compareGroups functions
chisq.test2(obj, chisq.test.perm, chisq.test.B, chisq.test.seed)
combn2(x), y, Xext, selec, method, timemax, alpha, min.dis, max.ylev, max.xlev,
include.label, Q1, Q3, simplify, ref,, fact.ratio, ref.y, p.corrected,
compute.ratio, include.miss, oddsratio.method, chisq.test.perm, byrow,
chisq.test.B, chisq.test.seed, Date.format, var.equal, conf.level, surv,
riskratio, riskratio.method, compute.prop, lab.missing, p.trend.method)
compare.i(x, y, selec.i, method.i, timemax.i, alpha, min.dis, max.xlev, varname, Q1, Q3,
groups, simplify, Xext, ref, fact.ratio, ref.y, p.corrected, compute.ratio,
include.miss, oddsratio.method, chisq.test.perm, byrow,chisq.test.B,
chisq.test.seed, Date.format, var.equal, conf.level, surv, riskratio,
riskratio.method, compute.prop, lab.missing, p.trend.method)
descripSurv(x, y, timemax, surv)
descrip(x, y, method, Q1, Q3, conf.level)
confinterval(x, method, conf.level)
format2(x, digits = NULL, stars = FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for compareGroups
formula(x, ...)
signifdec.i(x, digits)
signifdec(x, digits)
table.i(x, hide.i, digits, digits.ratio, type, varname,, digits.p, sd.type,
q.type, spchar,, lab.ref, stars)
# S3 method for formula2
update(object, new, ...)
KMg.plot(x, y, file, var.label.x, var.label.y, ...)
Cox.plot(x, y, file, var.label.x, var.label.y, ...)
bar2.plot(x, y, file, var.label.x, var.label.y, perc, byrow, ...)
box.plot(x, y, file, var.label.x, var.label.y, ...)
KM.plot(x, file, var.label.x, ...)
bar.plot(x, file, var.label.x, perc, ...)
norm.plot(x, file, var.label.x, z, n.breaks, ...)
prepare(x, nmax, nmax.method, header.labels)
snpQC(X, sep, verbose)
export2mdcbind(x, which.table, nmax, nmax.method, header.labels, caption,
strip, first.strip, background, width, size, landscape, format,
header.background, header.color, position, ...)
export2mdword(x, which.table, nmax, nmax.method, header.labels, caption, strip,
first.strip, background, size, header.background, header.color)
export2mdwordcbind(x, which.table, nmax, nmax.method, header.labels, caption,
strip, first.strip, background, size, header.background, header.color)
trim(x)oddsratio(x, method = c("midp", "fisher", "wald", "small"), conf.level = 0.95)
riskratio(x, method = c("wald", "small", "boot"), conf.level = 0.95)
epitable(..., ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, rev = c("neither", "rows", "columns", "both"))
or.midp(x, conf.level = 0.95, byrow = TRUE, interval = c(0,1000))
ormidp.test(a1, a0, b1, b0, or = 1)
oddsratio.midp(x, conf.level = 0.95)
oddsratio.fisher(x, conf.level = 0.95)
oddsratio.wald(x, conf.level = 0.95)
oddsratio.small(x, conf.level = 0.95)
riskratio.small(x, conf.level = 0.95)
riskratio.wald(x, conf.level = 0.95)
riskratio.boot(x, conf.level = 0.95)
setupSNP2(data, colSNPs, sep)
snp2(x, sep = "/", name.genotypes, reorder = "common",
remove.spaces = TRUE, allow.partial.missing = FALSE)
reorder.snp2(x, ref = "common", ...)
# S3 method for snp2
summary(object, ...)
These are not to be called by the user