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complexplus (version 2.1)

Imzap: Rounding of Null Imaginary Part of a Complex Number


imaginary parts with values very close to 0 are 'zapped', i.e. treated as 0. Therefore, the number becomes real and changes its class from complex to numeric.


Imzap(x, tol = 1e-06)


a scalar or vector, real or complex.
a tolerance, \(10^{-6}\) by default. Prevents possible numerical problems. Can be set to 0 if desired.


Run this code
x1 <- 1:100
x2 <- c(1:98,2+3i,0-5i)
x3 <- c(1:98,2+0i,7-0i)
x4 <- complex(real = rnorm(100), imaginary = rnorm(100))

Imzap(x1)  # inocuous with real vectors
Imzap(x2)  # 1 single element is enough to turn the vector into complex
Imzap(x3)  # removes extra 0i and changes class from from complex to numeric
Imzap(x4)  # inocuous with complex vectors with non-null complex part

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