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compositions (version 1.40-1)

Activity10: Activity patterns of a statistician for 20 days


Proportion of a day in activity teaching, consulting, administrating, research, other wakeful activities and sleep for 20 days are given.





The activity of an academic statistician were divided into following six categories

teac teaching
cons consultation
admi administration
rese research
wake other wakeful activities

Data show the proportions of the 24 hours devoted to each activity, recorded on each of 20 days, selected randomly from working days in alternate weeks, so as to avoid any possible carry-over effects, such as short-sleep day being compensated by make-up sleep on a succeeding day.

The six activity may be divided into two categories 'work' comprising activities 1,2,3,4: and 'leisure' comprising activities 5 and 6.

All rows sum to one.


Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 10, pp15.