a vector providing distances, a matrix of distance vectors in
its rows or a data.frame of distance vectors.
The size of the nugget effect (i.e. the limit to 0). At
zero itself the value is always 0.
The sill (i.e. the limit to infinity)
The range parameter. I.e. the distance in which sill is
reached or if this does not exist, where the value is in some sense
nearly the sill.
not used
The distance that is considered as nonzero.
A vector of size NROW(h), giving the variogram values.
The univariate variograms are used in the CompLinCoReg as building
blocks of multivariate variogram models.
sphSpherical variogram
expExponential variogram
gaussThe Gaussian variogram.
linLinear Variogram. Increases over the sill, which is
reached at range.
powThe power variogram. Increases over the sill, which is
reached at range.
nuggetThe pure nugget effect variogram.
Cressie, N.C. (1993) Spatial statistics
Tolosana, van den Boogaart, Pawlowsky-Glahn (2009) Estimating and
modeling variograms of compositional data with occasional missing
variables in R, StatGis09