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Pairs plot function for compositions, allowing flexible representations.
# S3 method for acomp
pairs(x, labels, panel = vp.lrdensityplot, ...,
horInd = 1:ncol(x), verInd = 1:ncol(x),
lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel,
diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel,
label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3,
cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1,
row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "")
# S3 method for rcomp
pairs(x, labels, panel = vp.diffdensityplot, ...,
horInd = 1:ncol(x), verInd = 1:ncol(x),
lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel,
diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel,
label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3,
cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1,
row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "")
vp.lrdensityplot(x, y, col=2,..., alpha = NULL)
vp.diffdensityplot(x, y, col=2,..., alpha = NULL)
vp.lrboxplot(x, y, ...)
vp.kde2dplot(x, y, grid=TRUE, legpos="bottomright", colpalette=heat.colors,...)
a dataset of a compositional class; or for the panel functions, a vector of row components
for the panel functions, a vector of column components
further graphical parameters passed (see
the names of the parts
common panel function to use for all off-diagonal plots
indices of columns of x to plot on the horizontal axis, defaults to all columns
indices of columns of x to plot on the vertical axis, defaults to all columns
panel function for the lower triangle of plots, defaults to the common panel
panel function for the uppper triangle of plots, defaults to the common panel
panel function for the diagonal of plots, defaults to text.panel
panel function to write labels on the diagonal panels
y position of labels in the text panel
if main is specified, line.main gives the line argument to mtext() which draws the title. You may want to specify oma when changing line.main
graphics parameters for the text panel
graphics parameters for the text panel
logical. Should the layout be matrix-like with row 1 at the top, or graph-like with row 1 at the bottom?
distance between subplots, in margin lines
a character string indicating if logarithmic axes are to be used: see plot.default. Should not be used and left to the panel function to handle
color for density and histogram components of the panel vp.*density
alpha level for marking normality in the panels vp.*density; default to no mark
should a unit-grid be added to each panel?
where should the legend be placed? to be given as x
in graphics::legend
which color palette is desired for the 2d density levels?
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
The data is displayed in a matrix of plots, after the indications of a panel function.
This is a simple implementation of pairs
compositional methods, the real
functionality is controlled by the panel functions.
The three panel functions included here can be used for generating either boxplots
or histograms plus kernel density plots of all pairwise logratios (in acomp) or
differences (in rcomp) of the components. In the cas of histograms, these
can be colored or left black-and-white depending on the adjustment to
normality, controlled by a shapiro.test
and the alpha-level given.
These panel functions serve also as examples of how to generate user defined panels.
, vp.logboxplot
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