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The S4-version of the data container "aplus" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that aplus objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use aplus
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "aplus", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "aplus", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "aplus", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see aplus
see aplus