# load the feet data set
# extract the continuous and constrained predictor
l <- feet$length
# extract the continuous response
w <- feet$width
# extract the categorical covariate: sex
s <- feet$sex
# make an increasing fit with test set as FALSE
ans <- shapereg(w ~ incr(l) + factor(s))
# check the summary table
# make an increasing fit with test set as TRUE
ans <- shapereg(w ~ incr(l) + factor(s), test = TRUE, nloop = 1e+3)
# check the summary table
# make a plot comparing the unconstrained fit and the constrained fit
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
ord <- order(l)
plot(sort(l), w[ord], type = "n", xlab = "foot length (cm)", ylab = "foot width (cm)")
title("Shapereg Example Plot")
# sort l according to sex
ord1 <- order(l[s == "G"])
ord2 <- order(l[s == "B"])
# make the scatterplot of l vs w for boys and girls
points(sort(l[s == "G"]), w[s == "G"][ord1], pch = 21, col = 1)
points(sort(l[s == "B"]), w[s == "B"][ord2], pch = 24, col = 2)
# make an unconstrained fit to boys and girls
fit <- lm(w ~ l + factor(s))
# plot the unconstrained fit
lines(sort(l), (coef(fit)[1] + coef(fit)[2] * l + coef(fit)[3])[ord], lty = 2)
lines(sort(l), (coef(fit)[1] + coef(fit)[2] * l)[ord], lty = 2, col = 2)
legend(21.5, 9.8, c("boy","girl"), pch = c(24, 21), col = c(2, 1))
# plot the constrained fit
lines(sort(l), (ans$constr.fit - ans$linear.fit + coef(ans)[1])[ord], col = 1)
lines(sort(l), (ans$constr.fit - ans$linear.fit + coef(ans)[1] + coef(ans)[2])[ord], col = 2)
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