LinUCBHybridOptimizedPolicy is an optimized R implementation of "Algorithm 2 LinUCB" from Li (2010) "A contextual-bandit approach to personalized news article recommendation.".
policy <- LinUCBHybridOptimizedPolicy(alpha = 1.0)
double, a positive real value R+; Hyper-parameter adjusting the balance between exploration and exploitation.
character string specifying this policy. name
is, among others, saved to the History log and displayed in summaries and plots.
d*d identity matrix
a zero vector of length d
new(alpha = 1)
Generates a new LinUCBHybridOptimizedPolicy
object. Arguments are
defined in the Argument section above.
each policy needs to assign the parameters it wants to keep track of
to list self$theta_to_arms
that has to be defined in set_parameters()
's body.
The parameters defined here can later be accessed by arm index in the following way:
here, a policy decides which arm to choose, based on the current values of its parameters and, potentially, the current context.
set_reward(reward, context)
in set_reward(reward, context)
, a policy updates its parameter values
based on the reward received, and, potentially, the current context.
Each time step t, LinUCBHybridOptimizedPolicy
runs a linear regression per arm that produces
coefficients for each context feature d
. Next, it observes the new context, and generates a
predicted payoff or reward together with a confidence interval for each available arm. It then proceeds
to choose the arm with the highest upper confidence bound.
Li, L., Chu, W., Langford, J., & Schapire, R. E. (2010, April). A contextual-bandit approach to personalized news article recommendation. In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web (pp. 661-670). ACM.
Core contextual classes: Bandit
, Policy
, Simulator
, History
, Plot
Bandit subclass examples: BasicBernoulliBandit
, ContextualLogitBandit
Policy subclass examples: EpsilonGreedyPolicy
, ContextualLinTSPolicy