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OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit: Bandit: Offline Replay


Policy for the evaluation of policies with offline data through replay.


  bandit <- OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit(formula,
                                            data, k = NULL, d = NULL,
                                            unique = NULL, shared = NULL,
                                            randomize = TRUE, replacement = FALSE,
                                            jitter = FALSE)



formula (required). Format: y.context ~ z.choice | x1.context + x2.xontext + ... By default, adds an intercept to the context model. Exclude the intercept, by adding "0" or "-1" to the list of contextual features, as in: y.context ~ z.choice | x1.context + x2.xontext -1


data.table or data.frame; offline data source (required)


integer; number of arms (optional). Optionally used to reformat the formula defined x.context vector as a k x d matrix. When making use of such matrix formatted contexts, you need to define custom intercept(s) when and where needed in data.table or data.frame.


integer; number of contextual features (optional) Optionally used to reformat the formula defined x.context vector as a k x d matrix. When making use of such matrix formatted contexts, you need to define custom intercept(s) when and where needed in data.table or data.frame.


logical; randomize rows of data stream per simulation (optional, default: TRUE)


logical; sample with replacement (optional, default: FALSE)


logical; add jitter to contextual features (optional, default: FALSE)


integer vector; index of disjoint features (optional)


integer vector; index of shared features (optional)


new(formula, data, k = NULL, d = NULL, unique = NULL, shared = NULL, randomize = TRUE, replacement = TRUE, jitter = TRUE, arm_multiply = TRUE)

generates and instantializes a new OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit instance.



  • t: integer, time step t.

returns a named list containing the current d x k dimensional matrix context$X, the number of arms context$k and the number of features context$d.

get_reward(t, context, action)


  • t: integer, time step t.

  • context: list, containing the current context$X (d x k context matrix), context$k (number of arms) and context$d (number of context features) (as set by bandit).

  • action: list, containing action$choice (as set by policy).

returns a named list containing reward$reward and, where computable, reward$optimal (used by "oracle" policies and to calculate regret).


Randomize offline data by shuffling the offline data.table before the start of each individual simulation when self$randomize is TRUE (default)


The key assumption of the method is that that the original logging policy chose i.i.d. arms uniformly at random.

Take care: if the original logging policy does not change over trials, data may be used more efficiently via propensity scoring (Langford et al., 2008; Strehl et al., 2011) and related techniques like doubly robust estimation (Dudik et al., 2011).


Li, Lihong, Chu, Wei, Langford, John, and Wang, Xuanhui. Unbiased offline evaluation of contextual-bandit-based news article recommendation algorithms. In King, Irwin, Nejdl, Wolfgang, and Li, Hang (eds.), Proc. Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), pp. 297<U+2013>306. ACM, 2011. ISBN 978-1-4503-0493-1.

See Also

Core contextual classes: Bandit, Policy, Simulator, Agent, History, Plot

Bandit subclass examples: BasicBernoulliBandit, ContextualLogitBandit, OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit

Policy subclass examples: EpsilonGreedyPolicy, ContextualLinTSPolicy


Run this code
url  <- "http://d1ie9wlkzugsxr.cloudfront.net/data_irecsys_CARSKit/Movie_DePaulMovie/ratings.csv"
data <- fread(url, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

# Convert data

data        <- contextual::one_hot(data, cols = c("Time","Location","Companion"),
                                         sparsifyNAs = TRUE)
data[, itemid := as.numeric(itemid)]
data[, rating := ifelse(rating <= 3, 0, 1)]

# Set simulation parameters.
simulations <- 10  # here, "simulations" represents the number of boostrap samples
horizon     <- nrow(data)

# Initiate Replay bandit with 10 arms and 100 context dimensions
log_S       <- data
formula     <- formula("rating ~ itemid | Time_Weekday + Time_Weekend + Location_Cinema +
                       Location_Home + Companion_Alone + Companion_Family + Companion_Partner")
bandit      <- OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit$new(formula = formula, data = data)

# Define agents.
agents      <-
  list(Agent$new(RandomPolicy$new(), bandit, "Random"),
       Agent$new(EpsilonGreedyPolicy$new(0.03), bandit, "EGreedy 0.05"),
       Agent$new(ThompsonSamplingPolicy$new(), bandit, "ThompsonSampling"),
       Agent$new(LinUCBDisjointOptimizedPolicy$new(0.37), bandit, "LinUCB 0.37"))

# Initialize the simulation.
simulation  <-
    agents           = agents,
    simulations      = simulations,
    horizon          = horizon

# Run the simulation.
# Takes about 5 minutes: bootstrapbandit loops
# for arms x horizon x simulations (times nr of agents).

sim  <- simulation$run()

# plot the results
plot(sim, type = "cumulative", regret = FALSE, rate = TRUE,
     legend_position = "topleft", ylim=c(0.48,0.87))

# }

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