The Galambos copula (Joe, 2014, p. 174) is
$$\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GL}(u,v) = uv\,\mathrm{exp}\bigl[\bigl(x^{-\Theta} + y^{-\Theta}\bigr)^{-1/\Theta}\bigr]\mbox{,}$$
where \(\Theta \in [0, \infty)\), \(x = -\log u\), and \(y = -\log v\). As \(\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+}\), the copula limits to independence (\(\mathbf{\Pi}\); P
) and as \(\Theta \rightarrow \infty\), the copula limits to perfect association (\(\mathbf{M}\); M
). The copula here is a bivariate extreme value copula (\(BEV\)), and parameter estimation for \(\Theta\) requires numerical methods.
There are two other genetically related forms. Joe (2014, p. 197) describes an extension of the Galambos copula as a Galambos gamma power mixture (GLPM), which is Joe's BB4 copula, with the following form $$\mathbf{C}_{\Theta,\delta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GLPM}(u,v) = \biggl(x + y - 1 - \bigl[(x - 1)^{-\delta} + (y - 1)^{-\delta} \bigr]^{-1/\delta} \biggr)^{-1/\Theta}\mbox{,}$$ where \(x = u^{-\Theta}\), \(y = v^{-\Theta}\), and \(\Theta \ge 0, \delta \ge 0\). (Joe shows \(\delta > 0\), but zero itself seems to work without numerical problems in practical application.) As \(\delta \rightarrow 0^{+}\), the “MTCJ family” (Mardia--Takahasi--Cook--Johnson) results (implemented internally with \(\Theta\) as the incoming parameter). As \(\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+}\) the Galambos above results with \(\delta\) as the incoming parameter.
This second copula in turn has a lower extreme value limit form that leads to a min-stable bivariate exponential having Pickand dependence function of $$A(x,y; \Theta, \delta) = x + y - \bigl[x^{-\Theta} + y^{-\Theta} - (x^{\Theta\delta} + y^{\Theta\delta})^{-1/\delta} \bigr]^{-1/\Theta}\mbox{,}$$ where this third copula is $$\mathbf{C}^{LEV}_{\Theta,\delta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GLEV}(u,v) = \mathrm{exp}[-A(-\log u, -\log v; \Theta, \delta)]\mbox{,}$$ for \(\Theta \ge 0, \delta \ge 0\) and is known as the two-parameter Galambos. (Joe shows \(\delta > 0\), but \(\delta = 0\) itself seems to work without numerical problems in practical application.)
GLcop( u, v, para=NULL, ...)
GLEVcop( u, v, para=NULL, ...)
GLPMcop( u, v, para=NULL, ...) # inserts third parameter automatically
JOcopBB4(u, v, para=NULL, ...) # inserts third parameter automatically
Value(s) for the copula are returned.
Nonexceedance probability \(u\) in the \(X\) direction;
Nonexceedance probability \(v\) in the \(Y\) direction;
To trigger \(\mathbf{GL}(u,v)\), a vector (single element) of \(\Theta\), to trigger \(\mathbf{GLEV}(u,v)\), a two element vector of \(\Theta\) and \(\delta\) and alias is GLEVcop
, and to trigger \(\mathbf{GLPM}(u,v)\), a three element vector of \(\Theta\), \(\delta\), and any number (the presence of the third entry alone is the triggering mechanism) though aliases GLPM
or JOcopBB4
will insert the third parameter automatically for convenience; and
Additional arguments to pass.
W.H. Asquith
Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.
, P
, GHcop
, HRcop
, tEVcop