These data represent porosity and permeability data from laboratory analysis for Well-266 Reinecke Oil Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Texas as used for the outstanding article by Saller and Dickson (2011). Dr. A.H. Saller shared a CSV file with the author of the copBasic package sometime in 2011. These data are included in this package because of the instruction potential of the bivariate relation between the geologic properties of permeability and porosity.
An R data.frame
The number of the well, no. 266;
The depth in feet to the center of the incremental spacings of the data;
The fraction of the core sample that is dolomite, 0 is 100 percent limestone;
The maximum permeability without respect to orientation in millidarcies;
The porosity of the core sample; and
Is the interval treated as dolomite (1) or limestone (0).
Saller, A.H., Dickson, J.A., 2011, Partial dolomitization of a Pennsylvanian limestone buildup by hydrothermal fluids and its effect on reservoir quality and performance: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, no. 10, pp. 1745--1762.