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copBasic (version 2.2.7)

FGMcop: The Generalized Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern Copula


The generalized Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern copula (Bekrizade et al., 2012) is $$\mathbf{C}_{\Theta, \alpha, n}(u,v) = \mathbf{FGM}(u,v) = uv[1 + \Theta(1-u^\alpha)(1-v^\alpha)]^n\mbox{,}$$ where \(\Theta \in [-\mathrm{min}\{1, 1/(n\alpha^2)\}, +1/(n\alpha)]\), \(\alpha > 0\), and \(n \in 0,1,2,\cdots\). The copula \(\Theta = 0\) or \(\alpha = 0\) or \(n = 0\) becomes the independence copula (\(\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)\); P). When \(\alpha = n = 1\), then the well-known, single-parameter Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern copula results, and Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) is \(\rho_\mathbf{C} = \Theta/3\) but in general $$\rho_\mathbf{C} = 12\sum_{r=1}^n {n \choose r} \Theta^r \biggl[\frac{\phantom{\alpha}\Gamma(r+1)\Gamma(2/\alpha)}{\alpha\Gamma(r+1+2/\alpha)} \biggr]^2 \mbox{.}$$ The support of \(\rho_\mathbf{C}(\cdots;\Theta, 1, 1)\) is \([-1/3, +1/3]\) but extends via \(\alpha\) and \(n\) to \(\approx [-0.50, +0.43]\), which shows that the generalization of the copula increases the range of dependency. The generalized version is implemented by FGMcop.

The iterated Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern copula (Chine and Benatia, 2017) for the \(r\)th iteration is $$\mathbf{C}_{\beta}(u,v) = \mathbf{FGMi}(u,v) = uv + \sum_{j=1}^{r} \beta_j\cdot(uv)^{[j/2]}\cdot(u'v')^{[(j+1)/2]}\mbox{,}$$ where \(u' = 1-u\) and \(v' = 1-v\) for \(|\beta_j| \le 1\) that has \(r\) dimensions \(\beta = (\beta_1, \cdots, \beta_j, \cdots, \beta_r)\) and \([t]\) is the integer part of \(t\). The copula \(\beta = 0\) becomes the independence copula (\(\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)\); P). The support of \(\rho_\mathbf{C}(\cdots;\beta)\) is approximately \([-0.43, +0.43]\). The iterated version is implemented by FGMicop. Internally, the \(r\) is determined from the length of the \(\beta\) in the para argument.


FGMcop( u, v, para=c(NA, 1,1), ...)
FGMicop(u, v, para=NULL,       ...)


Value(s) for the copula are returned.



Nonexceedance probability \(u\) in the \(X\) direction;


Nonexceedance probability \(v\) in the \(Y\) direction;


A vector of parameters. For the generalized version, the \(\Theta\), \(\alpha\), and \(n\) of the copula where the default argument shows the need to include the \(\Theta\). However, if a fourth parameter is present, it is treated as a logical to reverse the copula (\(u + v - 1 + \mathbf{FGM}(1-u,1-v; \Theta, \alpha, n)\)). Also if a single parameter is given, then the \(\alpha = n = 1\) are automatically set to produce the single-parameter Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern copula. For the iterated version, the \(\beta\) vector of \(r\) iterations;


Additional arguments to pass.


W.H. Asquith


Bekrizade, Hakim, Parham, G.A., Zadkarmi, M.R., 2012, The new generalization of Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern copulas: Applied Mathematical Sciences, v. 6, no. 71, pp. 3527--3533.

Chine, Amel, and Benatia, Fatah, 2017, Bivariate copulas parameters estimation using the trimmed L-moments methods: Afrika Statistika, v. 12, no. 1, pp. 1185--1197.

See Also

P, mleCOP