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copBasic (version 2.2.7)

PLACKETTcop: The Plackett Copula


The Plackett copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 89--92) is $$\mathbf{C}_\Theta(u,v) = \mathbf{PL}(u,v) = \frac{[1+(\Theta-1)(u+v)]-\sqrt{[1+(\Theta-1)(u+v)]^2 - 4uv\Theta(\Theta-1)}}{2(\Theta - 1)}\mbox{.}$$

The Plackett copula (\(\mathbf{PL}(u,v)\)) is comprehensive because as \(\Theta \rightarrow 0\) the copula becomes \(\mathbf{W}(u,v)\) (see W, countermonotonicity), as \(\Theta \rightarrow \infty\) the copula becomes \(\mathbf{M}(u,v)\) (see M, comonotonicity) and for \(\Theta = 1\) the copula is \(\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)\) (see P, independence).

Nelsen (2006, p. 90) shows that $$\Theta = \frac{H(x,y)[1 - F(x) - G(y) + H(x,y)]}{[F(x) - H(x,y)][G(y) - H(x,y)]}\mbox{,}$$ where \(F(x)\) and \(G(y)\) are cumulative distribution function for random variables \(X\) and \(Y\), respectively, and \(H(x,y)\) is the joint distribution function. Only Plackett copulas have a constant \(\Theta\) for any pair \(\{x,y\}\). Hence, Plackett copulas are also known as constant global cross ratio or contingency-type distributions. The copula therefore is intimately tied to contingency tables and in particular the bivariate Plackett defined herein is tied to a \(2\times2\) contingency table. Consider the \(2\times 2\) contingency table shown at the end of this section, then \(\Theta\) is defined as

$$\Theta = \frac{a/c}{b/d} = \frac{\frac{a}{a+c}/\frac{c}{a+c}}{\frac{b}{b+d}/\frac{d}{b+d}}\mbox{\ and\ }\Theta = \frac{a/b}{c/d} = \frac{\frac{a}{a+b}/\frac{b}{a+b}}{\frac{c}{c+d}/\frac{d}{c+d}}\mbox{,}$$

where it is obvious that \(\Theta = ad/bc\) and \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\) can be replaced by proporations for a sample of size \(n\) by \(a/n\), \(b/n\), \(c/n\), and \(d/n\), respectively. Finally, this copula has been widely used in modeling and as an alternative to bivariate distributions and has respective lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters of \(\lambda^L = 0\) and \(\lambda^U = 0\) (taildepCOP).



PLACKETTcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)
      PLcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)


Value(s) for the copula are returned.



Nonexceedance probability \(u\) in the \(X\) direction;


Nonexceedance probability \(v\) in the \(Y\) direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters---the \(\Theta\) parameter of the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

PLACKETTpar, PLpar, PLACKETTsim, W, M, densityCOP