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coreNLP (version 0.4-3)

initCoreNLP: Initialize the CoreNLP java object


This must be run prior to calling any other CoreNLP functions. It may be called multiple times in order to specify a different parameter set, but note that if you use a different configuration during the same R session it must have a unique name.


initCoreNLP(libLoc, type = c("english", "english_all", "english_fast",
  "arabic", "chinese", "french", "german", "spanish"), parameterFile = NULL,
  mem = "4g")



a string giving the location of the CoreNLP java files. This should point to a directory which contains, for example the file "stanford-corenlp-*.jar", where "*" is the version number. If missing, the function will try to find the library in the environment variable CORENLP_HOME, and otherwise will fail.


type of model to load. Ignored if parameterFile is set.


the path to a parameter file. See the CoreNLP documentation for an extensive list of options. If missing, the package will simply specify a list of standard annotators and otherwise only use default values.


a string giving the amount of memory to be assigned to the rJava engine. For example, "6g" assigned 6 gigabytes of memory. At least 2 gigabytes are recommended at a minimum for running the CoreNLP package. On a 32bit machine, where this is not possible, setting "1800m" may also work. This option will only have an effect the first time initCoreNLP is called, and also will not have an effect if the java engine is already started by a seperate process.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
sIn <- "Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure."
annoObj <- annotateString(sIn)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab