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Compute molecular mass (default CO J = 1-0) from L' and empirical conversion factor.
mass.CO(intInt, z, alpha = 0.8, f.rest = 115.27, omega.m = 0.27, omega.lambda = 0.73, H.0 = 71)
Integrated intensity in Jy km/s
Empirical mass conversion factor, see details
Line rest frequency in GHz
Omega matter parameter
Omega lambda parameter
Hubble constant in km/s/Mpc
Gas mass in solar masses.
alpha is an empirical mass conversion factor. The exact value is a topic of considerable debate. For CO, see Solomon and Vanden Bout (2005), also Tacconi et al. (2008) for reviews.
Solomon, Downes & Radford (1992), ApJ 398, L29, equations (3) and (4); Solomon & Vanden Bout (2005) ARA&A 43, 677; Tacconi et al. (2008) ApJ 680, 246.
# NOT RUN { snu <- 1.e-3 # 1 mJy peak wid <- 400 # 400 km/s wide intInt <- 1.06*snu*wid # Gaussian line z <- 2.3 mass.CO(intInt, z) # }
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