countryname: Convert country names in any language to another name or code
Converts long country names in any language to one of many different country
code schemes or country names. countryname does 2 passes on the data.
First, it tries to detect variations of country names in many languages
extracted from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository. Second, it applies
countrycode's English regexes to try to match the remaining cases. Because
it does two passes, countryname can sometimes produce ambiguous results,
e.g., Saint Martin vs. Saint Martin (French Part). Users who need a "safer"
option can use: countrycode(x, "", "") Note that
the function works with non-ASCII characters. Please see the Github page for
Vector which contains the codes or country names to be
converted (character or factor)
Coding scheme of destination (string such as "iso3c"
enclosed in quotes ""): type ?codelist for a list of
available codes.
When countrycode fails to find a match for the code of
origin, it fills-in the destination vector with nomatch. The default
behavior is to fill non-matching codes with NA. If nomatch = NULL,
countrycode tries to use the origin vector to fill-in missing values in the
destination vector. nomatch must be either NULL, of length 1, or of the same
length as sourcevar.
Prints unique elements from sourcevar for which no match was found